Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

An Historical Book Lover (part two)

All through middle school and high school I fed my face with books. Fiction was definitely my favorite, but my history teacher turned me onto to some really great books like this one or this one. The latter one I received as a gift for winning the history student of year. I was such a dork.

One book really changed how I viewed my political convictions which were always liberal, but growing up in epicenter of conservatism made it hard for me to describe exactly how it felt about the world around me.

I just read it and he said things I had thought and believed and it was all in one book. It was a mini revolution in my mind. He's one of my favorite authors.

My junior year of high school I got a job at a publishing house, Tyndale. That's right, they publish... The Left Behind Series. Dun dun dun dun. And while I never bought into the theology, the boatloads of books sold meant for some very large bi-annual bonuses during the years I worked there and at the age of 17, that was a dream. Some of that money I used as a down payment on my house. I loved working around books.

I quit that job to move to Kansas City, and got a job at the bookstore. Originally the job was a part time thing but through circumstances I became a manager. There are a lot of places to find a community at IHOP. I found mine in that store. It's not easy, it's hard and challenging. But I love that prayer room and what I do helps support that. Did I come here thinking that this is what I would do? No, but there is joy in doing it. Sometimes I think people wonder if you can be a "business" person and still love that prayer room? Can you be an administrator and still be an intercessor? Can you love Jesus in the midst of sales reports, scheduling, and cycle counts? It can be done, my friends. I see my friends do it every day and I am certainly challenged in it, but I am blessed to love Jesus this way.

So that's where the love of the written word has taken me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Historical Book Lover (Part 1)

I realized the other day that I've been working at the bookstore for over three years, which means I've done 4 onething conferences. That's right count them: 4. One as a cashier, one as a conference manager, and two as the gen. manager, or I as prefer "queen b".

I grew up loving to read books. Oddly I used to cry as a small child thinking I would never be able to read on my own. My mother recalls with some amount of humor my anxiety over the prospect of illiteracy. I wasn't slow, I was just consumed with needing to read all my own. It was unnatural. I did read all on my own starting in kindergarten. I think that's pretty normal.

I became obsessed with reading. I would pour through books at a rate that astounded my parents; who to this day hate reading. I would read my favorite books over and over again. I began to read large novels in fifth grade and became obsessed with various historical fiction series that my fifth grade teacher was also reading. My parents would punish me by making me go outside and playing with the neighborhood kids. They couldn't banish me to my room, because I would read for days without leaving. I hated playing outside. I would cry and cry and cry.

So all throughout my childhood everyone joked that I should work at a bookstore or that one day I would run my own book emporium.

So ends part one. Hold on to your pants kids, this story is "to be continued".

Friday, February 09, 2007

Give Me a Database...

Or Give me Death.

No really, please.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bummer and Brothers

Obviously a bummer of a night in Chicago. It will be an even bigger bummer on Tuesday morning when I have to head back to work. It's been a nice weekend away and it will be hard to go back to a conference week on the missions base. First conference since onething; that deserves a woooooohooooo.

Here's a pic from my Grandma's 80th... this is the whole fam.

This is a picture of my father and his two brothers.

My Grandmother and her two brothers.

And this is my brother.

Team Spirit Anyone?