Thursday, January 11, 2007

Times They are a Changing

We die to each other daily.
What we know of other people
Is only our memory of the moments
During which we knew them. And they have changed since then.
To pretend that they and we are the same
Is a useful and convenient social convention
Which must sometimes broken. We must also remember
That at every meeting we are meeting a stranger.
- TS Elliot

I was reading TS Elliot earlier, he is a perfectly crafted writer. Not an ounce of fat exists in his work. He is really gifted in expressing how people truly feel.

At any rate, this is been something I've been thinking about. We all change so quickly and sometimes I try to "hop" back into someone's life and expect them to be just as I left them. How self-consumed is that?

Lately I've realized that people I once was really close with; now they are like strangers to me. So much has transpired and put us all in different places, both physically and emotionally. It's interesting I think; how we ebb and flow, in and out of one another.