Monday, December 25, 2006

7 Faces of David Totally Annoyed with Me

Most of you have not met my brother. He has made a debut on my blog this weekend. One of the traits of our relationship, is me annoying him endlessly and childishly. This is a photo shoot that demonstrates perfectly our relationship.

Kris, Stop

No Really, Kristen I'm not joking, stop (It is at this point he's thinking about smacking me)
Kris, stop it, I'm serious (it is at this point he closes his eyes hoping I'll disappear)

Kris, this is ridiculous (it is at this point he's so angry he begins to laugh)

Kris, no really, I'm not kidding, it's not funny, STOP IT (he begins to come towards me)

I can't believe you are acting like such a child, really Kris, stop

I'm taking the camera from you, you are SO annoying

Wifi Wikipedia Christmas

Every Christmas has a theme in my family. There is generally one issue/topic that follows the whole family through the holiday event.

This year our theme is wifi wikipedia. Every time we have a thought/idea/question we whip out our laptops and wikipedia/google it. It is the beauty of wifi and wikipedia combined with some intellectual thinking. I have created a list of things we have wikipedia'd/googled

They are as follows

carrie nation
cat nip
population of Egypt during the pyramids
yucca mountains nuclear plant
do fish sleep?
Munchhausen's Syndrome
the 60's - what made hippies hip
our birthdays
belton, MO
toxicity of house plants
high school year books
configuration spinning wheel
antibiotic dosing for intestinal infections in felines
bottle refunds
toxicity of fabric softeners in septic systems
history of Christmas
Double boilers
Is MO a battle state?

This is how the Anderson's have a freakish amount of trivial and diverse knowledge. We will talk about anything and we will argue anything, and when we reach impasse we will look it up on the Internet.

We are tenacious about knowing crap.

More tomorrow.

Live from the couch.