Friday, December 15, 2006

Rose Among Thorns

It's Friday.

I limped into my office today, grumpy and feeling poorly. I've already taken 9 Advil today and it's not 10AM yet.

As I opened my office door, there was a big vase full of roses. There is only one other person with a key to my office so I knew immediately who it was... dearest Alicia, one of my best friends and great assistant/buyer.

There was also a beautiful Christmas card which was more like a letter. It made me cry. It's hard to describe how it feels when someone really sees you, doesn't just compliment you or pat you on the back but really sees you and what your worth. I find myself surround by friends who really see me these days, and that's such a big blessing.

PS - she said that I was one who would remain till the very end (biggest compliment ever)