Friday, December 29, 2006

Resting Place

You know it's bad when the only place you can find rest is in a bathroom stall or the elevator; literally. It's hard to find a resting place around here.

Also when wearing a large name tag you might look like you know more then the average joe and when in an elevator full of people you become an information/map quest center. I just keep telling people that they don't let me out very much and I know nothing, which is mostly true.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Must watch facial expressions

Confession of the Day:

I struggle with my facial expressions, I have rolled my eyes countless times today (and for the last two days). I have such a hard time containing how frustrated/disgusted/aggravated/ disappointed I am.

So I need your help, if your at the onething conference and you catch me with a nasty look on my face just grab me and give a slap on the face.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I made it

1st day of setup is done, I'm in PJs, wearing an icy hot patch, sipping airborne, after just downing my Mucinex D and slipping gel sport in soles into my tennis shoes.

It was an awesome day filled with success and fun. Including the onething gasoline dance preformed at the shell next to the Uhaul. We finished in record time and with little debacle. I'm not even kidding, it was like a dream.

I predict good things for tomorrow. It's going to be a fabulous onething.

Monday, December 25, 2006

7 Faces of David Totally Annoyed with Me

Most of you have not met my brother. He has made a debut on my blog this weekend. One of the traits of our relationship, is me annoying him endlessly and childishly. This is a photo shoot that demonstrates perfectly our relationship.

Kris, Stop

No Really, Kristen I'm not joking, stop (It is at this point he's thinking about smacking me)
Kris, stop it, I'm serious (it is at this point he closes his eyes hoping I'll disappear)

Kris, this is ridiculous (it is at this point he's so angry he begins to laugh)

Kris, no really, I'm not kidding, it's not funny, STOP IT (he begins to come towards me)

I can't believe you are acting like such a child, really Kris, stop

I'm taking the camera from you, you are SO annoying

Wifi Wikipedia Christmas

Every Christmas has a theme in my family. There is generally one issue/topic that follows the whole family through the holiday event.

This year our theme is wifi wikipedia. Every time we have a thought/idea/question we whip out our laptops and wikipedia/google it. It is the beauty of wifi and wikipedia combined with some intellectual thinking. I have created a list of things we have wikipedia'd/googled

They are as follows

carrie nation
cat nip
population of Egypt during the pyramids
yucca mountains nuclear plant
do fish sleep?
Munchhausen's Syndrome
the 60's - what made hippies hip
our birthdays
belton, MO
toxicity of house plants
high school year books
configuration spinning wheel
antibiotic dosing for intestinal infections in felines
bottle refunds
toxicity of fabric softeners in septic systems
history of Christmas
Double boilers
Is MO a battle state?

This is how the Anderson's have a freakish amount of trivial and diverse knowledge. We will talk about anything and we will argue anything, and when we reach impasse we will look it up on the Internet.

We are tenacious about knowing crap.

More tomorrow.

Live from the couch.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cookie Marathon

Grandma scooping out chocolate chip goodness.

Mark giving a holiday salute

David stealing Christmas music from the internet

Dad all hopped up on sugar

The Christmas tree, in all it's splendor

Live from the Couch, on Christmas Eve.

It's a holly jolly Christmas

Live from the couch

We're watching the Bears game (Go Chicago). We're eating oranges and a Swedish cheese called Bundst. We're talking about the 60's revolution and America's impetus to change. We have gifts left to buy and wrap. We're trying to stay hungry in anticipation of Jack Stack's tonight. We have cookies to bake, and my Aunt Marge's Sour Cream Cake left to make.

onething is just around the river bend. This of course means that I'm trying not to think about it, but find myself unable to escape. Two days of set-up (26th and 27th) followed up by four days of healthy work. By far the 26th and the 27th is the most work, once we have hit the afternoon on the 28th it's all pretty easy.

I, in the same spirit of Mr. Bohlender, will be blogging live from all things Christmas and all things onething.

get on your gel in-soles kids, we're approaching the gauntlet.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Two hours...

There are only about two hours till I say good-bye to pre-onething life, and say hello to my Christmas life/impending onething life.

If you'd like to volunteer at the onething, this is me recruiting you. Just do it!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I'm a lurker. I lurk.

Some of you are saying, "ummm no, you're not." But I am, my friends I am, in a very specific context. I lurk on debate forums, both the onething forums and a few other theology forums. I never post anything I just "lurk". I actually find this to be an incredible way to study. I did a whole thing on Zechariah this way a while back. Super compelling.

At any rate in my lurking I found this today and am literally blown away. David Sliker has always been one of my favorite people, but even more so after reading this debate thread. He is clear and kind and has an above par understanding of the scripture (this is me being modest for his sake).

This particular thread is in relation to the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit. It makes for a very fun read. It's not a long thread, but it is worth reading in it's entirety.

I encourage you all: become a lurker.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Rose Among Thorns

It's Friday.

I limped into my office today, grumpy and feeling poorly. I've already taken 9 Advil today and it's not 10AM yet.

As I opened my office door, there was a big vase full of roses. There is only one other person with a key to my office so I knew immediately who it was... dearest Alicia, one of my best friends and great assistant/buyer.

There was also a beautiful Christmas card which was more like a letter. It made me cry. It's hard to describe how it feels when someone really sees you, doesn't just compliment you or pat you on the back but really sees you and what your worth. I find myself surround by friends who really see me these days, and that's such a big blessing.

PS - she said that I was one who would remain till the very end (biggest compliment ever)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

11 and 2 people, 11 and 2

Sean says I rock.

The Bears posts are only one reason for said rockage.

Today in the BlogRoll

I read a really great post today from a really great friend.

Jesus, today I ask that you would cause hearts to turn around. Let there be a great awakening in the friends that we hold dear. I pray that they would desire something greater then what they know, that their hearts would be filled with great mystery. Draw them to yourself. Awaken their hearts to their great need, to their great emptiness. Jesus, meet them there at the cross.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

onething clothing sweatshop

That's right... it's that time of year.


We do get bathroom breaks, but I haven't decided if we'll eat or not.
I hear someone yelling "mush, mush." I must go.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Lindsay Lohan hasn't had a drink in a week. Someone give her a medal.

I'm just wondering how this ended up on the CNN headlines today. Couldn't we just have used yesterdays headline about how Clooney doesn't actually think he's the sexiest man alive. Hello: way more interesting.

In other news: Angelina doesn't plan on marrying Brad. Their relationship used to have such a Beaver Cleaver feel about it, what a plot twist.

This is Kristen, with your Entertainment News Update.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Life of the Highly Stressed

I become compulsive when stressed, let me say obsessive compulsive. For many of you that know me you know why December is highly stressful (aside from the typical stresses of December: gift buying, baking/cooking, crazy family members everywhere).

For those of you who may not understand, it all revolves around this one post-Christmas event, which is like my regular job but on steroids (the ones the Russians use to win the Olympics). See pictures below.

At any rate there are a few ways to deal with this level of stress. Lately I've been going to the gym, maybe not obsessively but as a historical avid non-believer of gyms, I've been going quite a bit. "Does that help?" you ask. The quick answers is "no". I hear it supposed to relieve stress, and it has but only because I'm too tired and sore to think about anything else.

I've been going to the 6AM prayer meetings. And that has been really good. Really helps me balance my day out, but also contributes to the tired glazed-over look I have in my eyes.

I eat, a lot. Enough said, thankfully the work outs make this doable.

I shop, side benefit to this is my Christmas shopping is essentially done.

I drive around aimlessly.

There are about a dozen more things that help, but quite frankly I'm too tired to write them out.
I'll update you as we cruise through December.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This morning's email

Kristen (after describing scary online store problem to British Hamster Overlord) : "It's enough to make a girl say 'the redcoats are coming'."

British Hamster Overlord (after explaining the problem): "Don’t worry about the redcoats – they’re more scared of you than you are of them."

I think history proved that.

dangers of modern appliances

one of the funniest posts I've ever seen... I hope this goes on youtube and implodes, no really I laughed out loud, and I never do that.

Early Morning Ponderings

Early in the morning everything is a little foggy. Sometimes as I am getting ready, I find myself talking to my cats in my head and surprised when they don't respond.

At anyrate in this fog this morning I realized that Ed Hackett slightly resembles Tommy Hilfiger. Again, just imagine him in a fog...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Still Reading Dubay

From Deep Conversion/Deep Prayer:

Needless to say, but I shall say it. Love in a priestly community and that of a consecrated life is best proved not by endless meetings or in talking decade after decade about community. It is proved by giving a daily example of unselfish living, deep contemplative prayer, observing what one has vowed without corrosive and divisive theological and liturgical disobediences or dissent which splits communities and repel healthy young persons from joining them.

I want to live unselfishly today (I also hope to not fall into liturgical disobediences).

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Live from the couch

just got out of the hot tub, all wrinkly, this is the life...