Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Dale

Dale is by far one of the best people I have worked with ever. That's saying something. I work with a lot of great people. Today is her birthday, today is a great day to list the top ten things I love about Dale...

10. Dale is long suffering (with everyone)

9. Dale has great boundaries

8. Dale is painfully, hilariously, and necessarily honest

7. Dale is a MAC momma

6. Dale shines with wisdom and clarity

5. Dale is kinder than she has to be

4. Dale is able to do anything

3. Dale is a multi-tasking mastermind

2. Dale is easily adaptable

1. (drumroll please) Dale loves people and Jesus well

Proverb of the Day - a la Philip Weiler

I love Philip, he is an essential part of my work everyday, he makes me sane.

Here is just a touch of his unending wisdom.

Do not under any circumstance or fear of death open the candy ball machine in front of more then four kids.