Monday, December 11, 2006

Life of the Highly Stressed

I become compulsive when stressed, let me say obsessive compulsive. For many of you that know me you know why December is highly stressful (aside from the typical stresses of December: gift buying, baking/cooking, crazy family members everywhere).

For those of you who may not understand, it all revolves around this one post-Christmas event, which is like my regular job but on steroids (the ones the Russians use to win the Olympics). See pictures below.

At any rate there are a few ways to deal with this level of stress. Lately I've been going to the gym, maybe not obsessively but as a historical avid non-believer of gyms, I've been going quite a bit. "Does that help?" you ask. The quick answers is "no". I hear it supposed to relieve stress, and it has but only because I'm too tired and sore to think about anything else.

I've been going to the 6AM prayer meetings. And that has been really good. Really helps me balance my day out, but also contributes to the tired glazed-over look I have in my eyes.

I eat, a lot. Enough said, thankfully the work outs make this doable.

I shop, side benefit to this is my Christmas shopping is essentially done.

I drive around aimlessly.

There are about a dozen more things that help, but quite frankly I'm too tired to write them out.
I'll update you as we cruise through December.


Fairing Well said...

We are praying for you! Scott and I will be there this year! YEY! I will come and give you a big hug and scott can carry heavy things for you if you need it! love you!

Anonymous said...

You amaze me continually! This will be the best one yet!

Kristen said...


That is really so sweet. I'm so excited to see you guys (hugs and lifting will be welcome/needed); maybe we could all grab a bite to eat one night. Love you!

Katie- no, you amaze me!