Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Historical Book Lover (Part 1)

I realized the other day that I've been working at the bookstore for over three years, which means I've done 4 onething conferences. That's right count them: 4. One as a cashier, one as a conference manager, and two as the gen. manager, or I as prefer "queen b".

I grew up loving to read books. Oddly I used to cry as a small child thinking I would never be able to read on my own. My mother recalls with some amount of humor my anxiety over the prospect of illiteracy. I wasn't slow, I was just consumed with needing to read all my own. It was unnatural. I did read all on my own starting in kindergarten. I think that's pretty normal.

I became obsessed with reading. I would pour through books at a rate that astounded my parents; who to this day hate reading. I would read my favorite books over and over again. I began to read large novels in fifth grade and became obsessed with various historical fiction series that my fifth grade teacher was also reading. My parents would punish me by making me go outside and playing with the neighborhood kids. They couldn't banish me to my room, because I would read for days without leaving. I hated playing outside. I would cry and cry and cry.

So all throughout my childhood everyone joked that I should work at a bookstore or that one day I would run my own book emporium.

So ends part one. Hold on to your pants kids, this story is "to be continued".


Chuck said...

Kristen! Kristen! How about you read MY BLOG for starters? Huh? I got dogs, guitars, masks, sunbathers, and even a little thing I like to call MY 2 CENTS :-) Intrigued? So am I, let's go!

Anonymous said...

i love you..you lil worm

Fairing Well said...

funny...Just today Scott and I were talking about how when we were little and it snowed we would love to go sledding..And I commented that actually, I am kind of a big liar cuz I was the little dork that was inside,with the adults, reading a book.

Kristen said...

Umm hello... chuck I have been reading your blog. I've been waiting to post the perfect comment. I'm very particular.

Anonymous said...

um cliff hanger when is part 2 coming out?

Anonymous said...

I used to cry when I couldn't read books too... until I learned how 14 months ago.

Chuck said...

I follow up every good book with a little ROBOT...
