Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have three confessions for the day

1) I am a pro-life liberal
2) I never and still don't like U2
3) I'm addicted to Dog: The Bounty Hunter


Randy Bohlender said...

Having been told any one of those, I would have guessed the other two immediately.

Kristen said...

Really? I thought that the liberal and Dog the Bounty Hunter would be incongruent. Hmmm, I'm more predictable then I thought. That's a bummer.

Randy Bohlender said...

There's a clear connection, Kristen. Consider - you have a goofy show about snatching freedom from people and shackling them in the custody of the state, and you have Dog the Bounty Hunter. It's a redundancy.

Kristen said...

It's more like this.

Liberals have given freedom to the oppressed for 300 years, just as Dog has given freedom to law abiding citizens from methamphetamine users. I now see a strong connection. Thanks, Randy.