Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Grand and Infamous Jordan

Hey All. I'm in Denver this week at the International Christian Retailing Convention. Katie, Dale and I are here till Thursday. Katie and I are pictured with one of our favorite vendors, Jordan. Really great guy, him and the guys at IPG are winning some huge brownie points.

It should be said that most often people ignore us, we look like children of bookstore managers. Today we were told we didn't look old enough to be managing, and it's true, the IHOP youth movement has infiltrated all aspects of the mission base. We are quite the buying duo... out of control is probably more accurate. We've had quite a few people laughing so hard they had to stop what they were doing.

I'll just give you a few of the highlights.

-Dale going up to two random guys asking for directions. Turns out they were Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. They let her know.

-Dale telling us the story and Katie asking, "Who are they?"

-Katie spilling bath salts all over Jordan's desk

-Katie reaching to get something out of her eye, and Jordan saying, "uugggg, looks like we have an eyeball toucher."

-Jordan then regaling us with a story about a marrage counseler who made her couples lick each other's eyeballs

- Me dramatically emphasizing how gross I thought that was (with wild hand movement)

- Katie (at my request) getting the Joel Osteen board game off the display and both of us making fun of it - one of the playing cards said "Choose to be happy."

- At one vendor we just grabbed all the books we liked from their displays and popped them down at the desk and said, "this is what we want."

-We've had pictures taken with circus performers, Indian chief, and a huge Goliath

- People have tried to sell us dolls, puppets, tracts, toys, barbies, scripture candy

So it's quite the event, I'm sure I'll have more stories later.


Randy Bohlender said...

Do you mean the guy in the photo ISN'T Joel Osteen? Huh.

Fairing Well said...

you and kp totally have a crush on him!!