Friday, February 17, 2006

I've created a monster

My parents are pretty cool people. In my life my friends have gradually all become friends with my parents, some of them have come to realize that in fact my parents are cooler than me. They came over just to hang out with my parents. I've come to terms with the fact I have mildly cool parents. It's mostly about their past and the drugs and the rock and roll. I've grown to appreciate these things. Some of them, such as the music, have become a part of my life. Other things, such as the drugs, never really caught on with me, if anything doing drugs wasn't cool, cause hey my parents used to do them.

Okay so anyway, for Christmas we gave my dad an iPOD, which is a great gift for his music album loving self.

I first became concerned when my mother told me that she found his brand new iPod headphones in my Dad's morning coffee. Disturbing by itself, I realize, but next my mother poses this question to my brother (the tech head) "is this some new way to charge something?" She wasn't kidding. She's just crazy sometimes. My brother nearly peed his pants he laughed so hard.

My second concern was when I called my father up and asked how it was going his reply was "I'm iPODing it." Hmmmmmm. Wow.

Third concern, whenever we are trying to tell my dad he is too old for something he claims with great pride, "I have an iPOD."

Fourth concern, call my parents on Valentine's day, my mother screeches, "You father gave me a nano?" She said nano like a question because she wasn't sure how to pronounce it. Oh goodie.

And now when I call my parents my dad says, "We're iPODing it."

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